Newsmaker | Summer 2021

Newsmaker | Summer 2021

A Moment with the CEO BY SUZANNE LANE Carbon-free, non-greenhouse gas emitting, net-zero carbon emitter, decarbonization, reducing the carbon footprint…however the topic around carbon dioxide emission reduction is characterized, it’s a topic that is at the forefront...
Newsmaker | Spring 2021

Newsmaker | Spring 2021

A Moment with the CEO BY SUZANNE LANE New Year Brings New Initiatives As I am sure everyone can attest, it is wonderful to have 2020 behind us, with the new year in full swing! So what are this G&T cooperative team’s main focus items for 2021? In addition to...
Newsmaker | Winter 2020

Newsmaker | Winter 2020

A Moment with the CEO BY SUZANNE LANE Year in Review “The comeback is always stronger than the setback.” This is a quote that has resonated with me this year more than ever, as the disruption that COVID-19 has brought to 2020 has been the epitome of a “setback” or...
Newsmaker | Fall 2020

Newsmaker | Fall 2020

A Moment with the CEO BY SUZANNE LANE Fall 2020 With the autumn season arriving, a number of other, highly-anticipated “seasons” are arriving as well: cooler weather, fall sports, and the celebration of “Cooperative Month” in October. As everyone can attest, 2020 has...